Analytics Bugs Email Privacy Security The Sky Is Falling

Google sees 92% of “top” web traffic

I had to write after reading this article in the New York Times. In short, Google “sees” 92 percent of online traffic for the top 100 internet sites. Other big boys, Atlas (60%), Omniture, and Quantcast (54% – I assume combined) don’t even get

DNS Email System Administration Technical

DKIM TXT Records in DNS exceeding 255 characters

Wow. It’s 2009, and apparently DNS can only support reading configuration file lines which are not greater than 255 characters. I received the following error

Business Email Marketing Privacy

Monster should be burned at the stake for email practices

I used Monster three years ago, and they just don’t get it. As a quick comment on the service, it’s the “shotgun” effect of

Business Email Marketing

Ongoing list of bad email practice providers

There was a short period in the late 90s and early 00s when I would use “disposable” email addresses for everything. I had “catch-all” email addresses such as which I would when signing up for a site where I was unsure of their email practices. If I signed up on “” my email would […]

Email Marketing Privacy Technical The Sky Is Falling

The death of the email link

You can contact me at “kent -at- no spam marketruler dot no spam com”, and remove the term “no spam” from that address. And I kid you not, you see this on a lot of sites, even ones which